
Showing posts from June, 2020

10 Symptoms of ADHD

Here are the symptoms of ADHD: 1) Inattention: Difficulty paying attention, staying focused, and following through with tasks. You can address this by breaking down tasks into smaller steps, using reminders, and setting achievable goals. 2) Impulsivity: Acting without thinking, interrupting others, and making hasty decisions. You can address this by practicing mindfulness, taking breaks, and learning to pause before reacting. 3) Hyperactivity: Excessive fidgeting, constant movement, and difficulty sitting still. You can address this by engaging in physical activity, finding ways to channel excess energy, and creating a structured routine. 4) Disorganization: Struggling to keep track of tasks, appointments, and personal belongings. You can address this by using a planner, creating a routine, and implementing organizational strategies. 5) Distractibility: Easily distracted by external stimuli, unable to focus on one task for an extended period. You can address this by minimizing distract